Sunday, October 16, 2011

"It's the Real Thing"

I spent 12 years in the Coca-Cola system from late 80's thru the 90's. These were real glory years for Coke. Much of this time their main advertising them was "It's the Real Thing". Obviously Coca-Cola Company believed that people wanted to connect with what is real. I hate to disappoint anyone, but Coke is not it :-)

Jesus says in John 17:3, "and this is eternal life, that you know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent." The word "know" does not mean "know of" or "know about" but was applied to knowledge that comes from sexual intercourse and literally means deep intimacy. The notion of eternal life does not mainly refer to everlasting (although it is), it really refers to the life that is real for our soul - that which makes our soul alive? The Greek word is zoe and means God's life. It is intimacy (deep level of experiencing) with God and with special people in our life that is the real thing!!

So what does this mean to us? This truth taught me that the only reality is that which is lived out in relationships. I found that tasks, jobs, careers, family, friends, neighborhood, etc. are all just the context in which we find ourself in relationships with others. No matter what our achievements, popularity, status, or wealth, when we lie down at night to go to sleep, the quality of our key relationships seems all that matters. One of my regrets is that I did not know my parents in this way and my life has lost something because of it.

I adopted a principle I think about a lot which goes like this, "the point is not the point, the person is the point." I admit I fail miserably at remembering and applying this. When I started teaching, I really wanted to do this with students. I still find myself focusing on my lecture, the schedule deadlines necessary to complete all the material in a semester, student disruptions, etc. and miss many opportunities to relate to those God placed right in front of me.

I had no idea abut this truth as a young man. I was an especially focused task person. I left "road kill" all over the place. I "destroyed" people in relationships because I didn't even notice that the relationship with the person was where life is really lived. I know better now BUT oh my, do I still need the power of Grace!!!!  It's possible you do too .....

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