Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Just how did we get into this pickle?

Obama is eloquent, but mainly wrong. Trump is mainly right, but awfully crude. How did US politics arrive here? Why is our political process so broken? Why can't we solve problems, which have good solutions that readily exist?

Just how did we get into this pickle?

Society has done this to itself. It is not Obama's fault or Trump's fault. It is the natural result of power flowing to central government's control. It is exactly what our Founding Fathers tried to prevent. When power is distributed, the collection and distribution goods and services find their way to where they need to go through effective processes (btw, this is what justice is). Those processes of collection and distribution that work the best, get adopted, and those that do not, go by the wayside. 

But when enough people in society claim that the winners do not deserve to win as much as they do, and those who cannot or will not compete are getting less that those who do contribute, then society authorizes government to grab more power to fix this inequality in the name of "social justice" (which is not justice at all). Government is just a central planning power that collects and distributes goods and services in ways a few "smart" people want. Government grows as society cannot trust the diffused power of the masses (called markets), where merit (innovation and productivity) determines who gets what.

Once central government gets this power, then there are individuals who want to hold the power and those in the market, who want to control those in government who hold power (enter lobbyists). Competition is no longer the sport of markets, the power struggle of capitalists that comes from meeting society's needs, but competition becomes the political fight to gain power to collect and distribute resources. As the government's percent of the nation's GDP grows (currently is north of 20% and tripled in past 100 years), the greater the fight for political power and the greater the contempt politicians have for capitalists. 

Sound familiar??

Still wondering how we got into this pickle? We need more voters pondering this ....

1 comment:

  1. I've considered the American form of government as one that retards centralization but fails to prevent it in the long run because of an oversight in it's design regarding power over currency.

    We outlawed free markets by disallowing competition in currencies. A committee dictates perception of risk through interest rates. One half of every trasaction is affected resulting in malformation.

    Every other issue is a distention resulting from this lynchpin manipulation. Addressing any other issue is a symptom minded non-solution.
