Sunday, March 20, 2016

"I have no interest in you"

Have you ever had a friend or family member in essence say to you, "I don't want to have a relationship with you"? Maybe you have experienced an organization or a team that sends you away. It is quite puzzling especially when you have not offended or rejected them. In fact it is even more puzzling and sad when you love them and your love would bless them and make their life better. But they say, "I have no interest in you."

What is your response? Are you reactionary? Does rejection "push your buttons"? Are you angry? Resentful? Does your pride speak up and say, "I didn't want you anyway," but you plot some form of revenge?

Maybe the best response is to just "give them up to their own desires." Maybe all you can do is let them have what they want, a life without you. Maybe this is their punishment because they will have a life with less blessing.

Did you know God blogged about this one time? Well, there weren't any computers or internet, but He asked His bond servant Paul to write down His thoughts on this for us. Here is what He wrote:

"My wrath is not a reactive response, something I hurl down on you out of anger or resentment because you have no interest in me. My wrath is actually to "give you up to your own desires," There is no way you do not know me, for I am all around you, wooing you unto Myself. BUT, you have chosen to repress my advances and your knowledge of Me and pledge allegiance to yourself. You have replaced the provisions and privileges of the Heavenlies for what you can earn for yourself. You have replaced Me as the supreme giver of all creation and decided that you can fit that bill. So,it is sufficient for my wrath on you to just leave you to your own futile plan. To give you up to your own worthless efforts to be the creator." (paraphrased Romans 1)

It is so interesting to me that all of life is but a shadow. Its not the real thing, but points us to the real thing. God's desire to have relationship with us and our response, "I have no interest," becomes our own experience often. Rejection comes to us not to hurt us or depress us, but to show us a glimpse of how God may feel and respond to our rejection of Him. Our experiences of rejection are part of God's provision that leads us running back into His arms, with a heart of thanksgiving and not "what have you done for me  lately, God" attitude.

All of our "acts of sin" are an overflow of our idolatry. Idolatry is what our imagination and affection worships (which means "kiss towards"). Thankfulness is our antidote to idolatry.

God gave Jesus up. He handed Jesus over to the world for what they wished. The cup Jesus' had to drink was this wrath of God.

but REJOICE, Easter is coming soon. Oh, it already has, next Sunday is just the celebration of the Grace that beat the wrath.   Well worth pondering .......

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