Many folks deal with the challenge to not be judgmental. Judging others is considered a form of self-righteousness and comes from not fully understanding or accepting the Grace by which we have been received by the King of the universe.
Seldom do we focus on the challenges we face when others judge us. How do we respond? How should we respond? How does the Gospel of Grace inform our response? When others condemn us because we fail or fail to meet some expectation, it hurts, especially when we wish to be thought well of by the other person. How do we get beyond this hurt? I don't mean how can we muster up enough of something to grin and bear it?
How can grace be active when someone we care about "demonizes" us? This is the truest test of what it means to love another with unmerited favor. It may be the closest we come to understanding just a little of how much God loves us because we are very good at accusing Him of all sorts of things when He doesn't be God like we expect Him to be.
Think about it ....
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