Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blessed to be predestined?

Many acorns fall to the ground in the Fall of each year. I have to pull up each that becomes a tree in the Spring and there are many. However, what impresses me is how many fall to the same soil and do not become a tree. Aren't acorns made to become a tree. many more do not than do. Ummm ..

 "Blessed be God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places."

Notice there are the three different Greek words used here: first is eulogetos meaning adorable or speak well toward (God is adored or receives our highest praise) next is eulogeo meaning extolled favor or prospered and third is eulogia meaning benefits

So this verse is best understood by the following "how adored by us is this God who granted to us His favor with every spiritual benefit of Heaven"

"In love He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will."

Predestined simply means determined before - before what? Well, before we determined. In other words because He loved us (not the other way around), God decided that we would be His children through adoption. This is what He wanted. Is it not true that when parents adopt a child, the parents determined before the child did that the kid would be their child? This decision to adopt blesses the child and the child adores the parents. We think when someone adopts a child that is simply "hunkie doorie." Don't we?

Why then do we get our panties in a wad about God determining ahead of us that He wants to adopt us. What offends us so much about the word "predestined"?
See, words properly understood have power. However, when a word can mean anything (whatever we want), then it means nothing.

Think about it .... let's just quit worrying about what God determines for us before we can determine it and focus on the blessings of adoption determined for us by God and our life will be transformed!!!

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