Monday, March 27, 2017

"privileges and provisions"?


One of my themes recently has been that the difference between the core assumptions of the carnal mind and the Kingdom mind. I have set forth the idea (from Scripture) that our human nature (carnal) relies on transactions based on rights and rewards while our "born again" Spiritual nature simply abides in privileges and provisions. However, I get a lot of blank stares when I use the phrase "privileges and provisions" of the Heavenlies. I am not sure what the stumbling block of understanding is but it is!! Dallas Willard called it "The Divine Conspiracy" and sold a truck load of books. Paul opens Ephesians with it and produces many great Bible studies. But I use the phrase and somehow find the need to explain further what I mean.

So let me illustrate by using two different, but like examples, of what I mean by privileges and provisions. I was out walking Spot and I just thought about him for a bit. He abides in the provision and privileges of being Gail's pet. He doesn't chose what food he eats, she gives him what she knows to be the best for him. If he is sick, he may know he feels badly but he does nothing to provide care for his illness. Spot abides in the privileged of being Gail's pet. He totally trusts her for his well being. He can decide to run away or to sulk when he doesn't get his way, but nothing he does or does not do determines his privilege of being her pet. Everything that is good for Spot she provides willingly and without transacting with him. She chose him and he is her pet. She is sovereign but she is totally sold out in love to his well being.

Consider a new baby. This child did nothing to come into this world. He or she did not chose his/her parents. They chose the child. They are sovereign with full authority. The child abides in the family, the child does not transact or earn his or her meals, diaper changes or baths. The baby receives the full good will of the parents. The child abides in the privileges and provisions of his or her family.

Such it is with us Kingdom dwellers. We abide, not transact. Everything our soul needs is bestowed on us by the sovereign will of a gracious and good father. We do not rely on our rights or the rewards we can earn. We are blessed (fortunate) to receive the privileges we have as a child of the King and the provisions He has for us that give us life abundantly. This is one way to understand the Beatitudes. Following "blessed are," there is a provision (the meek, the poor in spirit, the pure in heart, etc) and the associated privilege ("for they shall inherit the earth," "for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven," "fro they shall see God," etc.). 

Two "R" words denote core assumptions of our human nature - rights and rewards.

Two "P" words denote core assumptions of our divine nature - privileges and provisions.

"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind", which involves some pondering I think!!

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