Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The role of vision

An anonymous blogger commented on the previous post on planning. This person raised the question of the role of planning in creating vision. Well, what exactly is vision and what is its role in our lives? How does it relate to planning?

Vision is from the root word meaning "to see". To see what? We might say one's vision is seeing a future state, a picture of possibility, or maybe a picture of destiny. Vision is not formed by our planning, but rather should guide any planning we do. But "a plan" is not necessary to strive toward our vision. Vision gives us a picture of the future that allows us to make decisions each day consistent with our idea of the future. We are intentional rather than random when we decide in favor of our vision each moment we live.

A plan is a predetermined path to our goal. A vision may not be as specific as a goal, but still has enough clarity to guide us. Sir Walter Raleigh shares his vision of the discovering the new land with Queen Elizabeth I in the movie "Elizabeth: The Golden Years". Here we see Raleigh being inspired and inspiring others with his vision. He does not give a plan but simply describes what the end state is like in picture words that moves himself and others towards it.

Moving daily towards a vision for our life allows us to be opportunistic and serendipitous. By being inspired by the vision but not locked into predeterminded path, we can enjoy the journey and respond to unexpected curves in the road.

A picture of possibility rather than a goal to obtain unleases us with direction but does not constrain us with the illusion of control. A life driven by vision versus concrete goals with a predetermined path is more scary, seems more risky - but hey, it includes room for faith, which is right in God's sweet spot :-)

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