Sunday, May 15, 2011

Is planning overrated?

While making our 6 month, 1 yr and multi-year plans sounds so right, experience shows us that we generally only know enough to take the next step. Taking one step at a time is all we can do. Life throws us curves and road blocks. Uncertainty constrains us. Planning is an illusion of control.

Its how we put one foot in front of the other that ultimately matters. Do we act consistent with our soul or do we take the pulse of everyone around us to discern our steps? As we age we find times to look back and its then we see which way we chose to determine our steps. Regret and disappointment comes when we see that our life's dance was to pride or fear or guilt coming from music supplied by others and not the rythmn of our own heartbeat.

Playing out what God put in us is not accomplished by seeing the future but trusting in Him who holds the future, one step at a time!!   Think about it :-)


  1. Interesting perspective. I believe that if you constrain yourself by explicit plans you will forever stive to meet a goal that may change without your ability to see the change. I think planning is imporant for vision or direction but reality unfolds in front of us daily.

  2. Good point. The exception might be if God tells us to plan. Example...hmm...Noah. Plan on a flood. Mary maybe? Plan on a baby. It's good to plan a budget. This could probably be backed up somewhere in Proverbs. lol. This we know, He has plans for us Jer.29:11 (Skissy)
