Sunday, February 20, 2011

P.S. on the previous posts

"I call upon you, therefore, brethren, through the compassions of God, to present your bodies a sacrifice -- living, sanctified, acceptable to God -- your intelligent service"  Romans 12: 1

Paul says that our sacrifice to God is not our gifts BUT living with "intelligent service". What is that?

"be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, for your proving what [is] the will of God -- the good, and acceptable, and perfect. "   Romans 12: 2

Oh, so God's will is that we use His models for ordering our lives, not those that come naturally to us with our packaging (flesh).   Well, what is His model?

"For I say, through the grace that was given to me, to every one who is among you, not to think above what it behoveth to think; but to think so as to think wisely, as to each God did deal a measure of faith"  Ro 12:3

Oh, it's Grace that should order our lives, not Social Excahnge or Equity and Grace comes to us thru Faith.

Cool way to make scripture relevant. Thank U God!!


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on line! I enjoyed your lecture and having the ability to review your notes afterwards reinforces the concepts.

    I'm having difficulty understanding "living with 'intelligent service.'" I understand (though find it hard to live daily) that grace should control our life and our response should be one of thankfulness, but how does "intelligence" fit in to God's model? How does intelligence and living with a thankful attitude fit together? Does the intelligence come from within our human nature or is it a gift from God? How do we know we are living in intellignce service?

  2. Thanks for the kind feedback.
    I was trying to show how each verse links to the subsequent verse in this passage. For instance, Paul says what is 'acceptable to god" is our "intelligent service". Verse 2 then embellishes this by implying "intelligent service" is living from a sense-making model that is not of our nature and this world's culture, but of the "will of God" (God's mind or model for sense-making). This model suggests that since we are no longer "obligated" to God for what He has done, we should walk or live out our life "abounding in Thanksgiving" (Col 2). I admit I am just beginning to focus on this and do not fully know what it means to respond to God without obligation, but I think it measn something like this. Why do we protect our image and status with others when we know we are fully accepted by God? Why dont we "take more risks" in our relationships if our relationship with God is fully sealed? these are just examples of how God's mind (will) can transform our sense-making which directs our walk. More confused now? :-)

  3. Thanks for the clarification. The R/G concept is fascinating and is making me look at many things from a different perspective.

    I think I was tryng to read too much into the words "intelligent service." I looked at another Bible translation and it uses "spiritual act of worship" instead of intelligent service. It helped me understand the concept of how we should respond to God and the incredible gift that he will give to those that are willing to receive.

    I'm looking forward to continuing the transformation of my sense-making and how it is impacting my relationships, but more importantly, how it is strengthening my walk with the Lord.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It's exciting to be exposed to new concepts that awaken God's Word in a completely new and different way.

  4. I have been having the same excitement of discovery and find it a privilege technolgy is such that I can share this personal journey with others like U :-)
