Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Is your Golden Rule tarnished?

One of the most popular platitudes is The Golden Rule. Millions of people across several thousands of years have relied on the principle to guide them to a more abundant and virtuous life. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" has a great "ring" to it. A "golden" sound. A "measure" for humanity that brings a harmony with life that feels right and true.

There is one problem though we need to consider. Is it possible that you or others view this platitude in a bit of a warped way? Is there a bias "baked in" our human nature that influences us to interpret and apply it in a misguided way? Is it possible that the virtue of the truth gets contaminated in a way we do not even realize?

Here's my point. because human nature has an obsession with justice (a theme of many of my blogs), it is highly possible, if not likely, that what we really understand the Golden rule to say is

  "do unto others so they will do unto you"

In other words, what really motivates us to embrace this virtue is a desire to act on others behalf so they will act on ours. This is purely the effects of social exchange on our thinking, feeling, and acting. It is our human nature, our "flesh", our "carnal mind". In a sense it is self-serving, it is sin, not virtue. We do not need a "Golden Rule" to do what comes naturally, but what does not come naturally.

What does not come from our human nature is Grace. "As" means empathy not manipulation. The principle of grace that underwrites the Golden Rule does not focus on "doing to get" but "doing" as an act of unconditional favor. "as you would have them do unto you" is realizing the amazing grace that has become your experience and heart's desire. Maybe a clearer version of the Golden Rule, one that blocks the obsession of our nature for justice would be "give grace to others as you have been so truly blessed by it".

As you embrace the virtue of The Golden Rule, just keep in mind that it must be polished often or it becomes tarnished. Just something to ponder ....

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