Monday, August 13, 2018

What makes hate right?

It seems there are some in our society that need to hate others in our society. The hateful segment is then frowned upon by its opposition and called "a hate group." This then results in protests against the "hate groups" by the opposition who hate the "hate groups." There are even a growing number of behaviors society calls "hate crimes" to make the crime seem worse than if the word "hate" were not included.

The question I have is, "Are actions against hate actually motivated by hate?" Is one part of society deciding another is so distasteful that they need punishing? What is behind this need to punish hate? Is a reciprocating action against hate also hate? Since most people generally want to do what is right, what makes hate seem right?

Why do people see others' hate and miss their own? Why can anyone on either side of an issue justify hating another? Oh, that may be the answer - justification. People who are different and don't agree with me are distasteful and deserve to be hated. That is an equal and balanced position. That is in fact JUSTICE - hating someone distasteful is giving them what they deserve.

One party sees another as so distasteful they deserve contempt. The other side then sees the first party's hatred as so distasteful, they deserve contempt. That's JUSTICE, reciprocity, equilibrium, punitive balance. It is what pure justice produces - a form of revenge.

What some see as the highest virtue of the human condition - justice - may be in fact the cause of the most distasteful human condition - hate. 

Because justice is the greatest concern of humans (accepted position in psychology), any action can be justified if it is deserved.

Actions themselves are not really viewed as right or wrong as long as the action is in balance or what we might say, "is deserved."

Justice makes hate right.

This is a fascinating outcome when justice is man's preeminent concern. There is another option that we could take, but it would require that we "not be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of our mind."

You can explore this more in my new book, "b4Worldview: there are ONLY TWO" found at

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