Wednesday, July 11, 2018

What matters past a few years?

Most people get caught up in the frenzy of the moment and the bigger questions in life get crowded out. Paying attention to the bigger questions in life is what makes a person more strategic. The obvious BIG questions deal with marriage, family, career, health, and finances. Consider that maybe the biggest questions, and therefore the most strategic, deal with more, the condition of your soul?

Let's step back a minute and see what are some good questions that may affect your soul. Follow me on this and you'll see my recommendation.

Way back in 400 BC a fellow named Aristotle presented a way to the "good life." He focused our attention to personal virtues like justice, courage, kindness, and respect. He also said that a satisfied soul (happiness) required harmony with one's community. These sounded so good that his philosophy became the dominant influence for the known world at his time and has lasted even til today. Thomas Jefferson admits Aristotle's influence on The Declaration of Independence.

400 years after Aristotle, Jesus emerges and says, "change your mind completely, you can't trust Aristotle's plan for the good life" (I paraphrased his call for repentance a little). His followers, like Paul, said, "be transformed, renew your mind." I don't know about you, but this begs some questions that I had to answer. I would call these "strategic questions."

1.   Why was Jesus so against Aristotle's plan for virtue and harmony?
2.   What in the mind needed to change? From what to what?
3.   Was this change an imposition or invitation?

These are not theological questions, but the answers will have theological implications. This about the condition of your soul. The answers are strategic because they last forever and affect every choice you make from now til then.

I wrote my latest book to address this. You may think its too deep and complex. First, your soul is deep, deep within your being. Second, new ideas are always difficult until they are not new anymore. then they are simple.

You can find what I had to say in my book entitled "b4Worldview: there are ONLY TWO"

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