Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Confluence of Infuence

There is an amazing maze of forces that come together to influence how you think, feel, and act. 

You are born with a human nature that consists of many common, but also unique qualities that bias your perception and interpretation of yourself and the world around you. In the Western world it is likely you studied Bible stories as a child that eventually fed your doctrine. As a young adult you began to have these beliefs challenged by arts, sciences, philosophy and your values and norms were shaped by your culture. As you age further you gain a greater sense of history and where you fit in the total scheme of eternity.

How does anyone successfully navigate the confluence of influence?

You yearn for an abundant and virtuous life, often settling for morsels that bring temporary relief and happiness. BUT, even when things are going well, you can't escape anxiety, fear, and despair. You feel loved at times, BUT then wonder if it will last, "forever"? You are left with the nagging question, "what is the answer?" or even "is there an answer?" You have dabbled with religion, maybe even jumped in head first. You may have found religion interesting, but impotent against this confluence of influence. You may have then searched philosophy, which is fun and interesting but quite futile at providing answers.

You have been told all your life to be positive, that's maybe the answer. "Don't lose hope!" BUT, eventually the "power of positive thinking" loses its power. You persevere. You work hard, BUT life is not fair in the end. People disappoint you. Your health fails you. Bullies seem to win. AND you wonder, maybe even ponder.

Is it possible that there is something underneath this confluence? Is it possible that what comes b4 your beliefs about life matters? Should you explore your b4worldview with all the passion you have?

I am convinced that the core assumptions of Jesus is what He is explaining in His public time in this world. When He says, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like this ....", shouldn't we pay attention. Maybe, just maybe, its the privileges and provisions of this Kingdom that is our answer.

That is worth pondering and that is what we do with you for 12 hours in www.b4worldview.com

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