Tuesday, May 10, 2016

having a "good" day?

Yesterday I was eating some popcorn while relaxing in downtown Greenville when suddenly, CRACK, part of my tooth broke off. There wasn;t any real sudden pain except the thought of spending gazillion $ getting an implant. Plus, the store only had enough popcorn for a small bag so I was feeling cheated on the amount of popcorn I could get too. Bummer. "Bad day"?

Well, certainly my circumstances were not stellar. But, is that what makes my day "good" or "bad". Does  "good" simply mean anything that meets my needs and "bad" anything that does not?

This is a pretty common view of what it means to have "good" and "bad" days. It is certainly the way humans make sense of life. But, is that the way God sees things? Am I left to my circumstances to determine the quality of my life? Sounds kinda futile doesn't it? Is hoping for a "good" life just about wishing for the right circumstances?

I don't think I had control of my tooth breaking or the amount of popcorn the store had available at the time I purchased. Am I then just a victim, subject to random "good" and random "bad"? There are many questions often asked and many conclusions often reached about what makes a "good" day and what makes a "bad" day.

The ultimate issue is not whether we can control circumstances so life can be "good" and not "bad", but what core assumptions do we have about "good" and "bad" to begin with.

Certainly worth pondering .........

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