Friday, April 8, 2016

"what difference does it make"

As I have been working to develop a transformational learning experience in which someone can clarify and challenge their core assumptions, I get push back that people really don't want to think about things like that, it makes them too uncomfortable. Or maybe that exploring core assumptions and getting them aligned with truth really doesn;t matter to having a happy life. Taking "selfies" work so much better.

I understand that most people tend to focus on short term issues as they become challenges in their life, like making good grades, getting the right job, finding a sweetheart to love and/or marry, keeping healthy, and so forth. However, if we are off base in what causes us to think, feel and act the way we do, we are likely to make choices that do not result in getting where we want to go. Its like going on a trip without a compass or a map. Or taking a "selfie" to only find out how silly we look. We may have some fun along the way, but who knows where we end up.

We wonder why our country doesn't work well. Or the company we work for, OR our family. Why do people do what they do? think like they do? make the choices they make?

“Core assumptions” are what you believe, but you cannot prove, and do not debate, but use to prove everything else you believe." 
You rarely know where your core assumptions come from. They make up your identity, which comes in 3 forms. Your social identity is formed by association with various communities, where you live and work. Their cultures have heavy influences on you that you usually do not know is happening. Your personal identity comes from what makes you unique, like your personality and abilities. Your natural identity is basically your nature, which is either carnal or Spiritual. Together, your identity "forces" your sense-making. Your identities compel you to think, feel, and act a certain way. You think you are free, but you are not. You are not free because you are constrained by biases and filters and values that you never even know you have. It is why people disagree, even though they are both quite logical. 

Here are a few evidences of this and why it matters.

Scientists cannot provide inquiry with integrity because of political, economic, and religious biases
Conservatives can call for smaller govt on economic grounds but vote for more govt because of fairness bias (neo-conservatives)
people stand on their "rights" because of the way culture has distorted the concept of "deserves"
tolerance is a misguided "virtue" against bigotry because stereotyping bias contamintaes tolerance
people judge others to be judgmental because they cannot escape attribution bias (the human tendency to blame others)
faith is considered weak because the culture assumes only what is observable exists and anything that exists is real
when someone believes all knowledge is truth, science becomes the god
when happiness comes from what we do to get our circumstances "right" (like we want them), we have idols that are impotent

If we are talking to Christian institutions, then we can ask questions like

how can a Christian understand what God is saying in the parables if they are biased to see everything thru lenses of reward/punishment?
how can a Christian grasp faith if something has to be observable to be real?
how can a Christian see that grace is sufficient if they must earn happiness?
how can a Christina understand the story of Jesus washing feet if their idea of obligation is duty?
how can a Christian understand "in Christ you are a new creation, all things have passed" if they do not understand their old creation?

These are just a few of many conclusions we come to about life's issues and challenges that are controlled by our core assumptions. You may think core assumptions do not matter, well, then you are fine to be controlled by forces that work against you and you do not even know it. 

At least you should ponder this a bit ......

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