Monday, December 7, 2015

Maybe life is more than knowing your ABC's

Lets pretend I want to gain favor with you, so I plan to buy you a present for your birthday. I heard you mention to someone that you needed a sweater and so I asked you what color you liked the best. It may seem straightforward that I would likely then buy you a sweater this color? But is life ever that simple? 

I now have knowledge of the color you say you like best. But can I trust that this is really the color you like best? Can I believe what you said? If I know you to be someone who listens well and is always honest, then I probably will believe that what you said is true. If I know you to be a person that jokes around or doesn't pay attention well to what is being asked or can’t make decisions well or normally lies, then although I have knowledge of what you said, I am not sure I can believe that this is true. I might look around and even ask others to get for myself some evidence to whether this is true. In the end, the question for me remains, should I buy you the sweater or not? 

If I believe what you say and aspire to have relationship with you, I act in faith, trusting I will please you. If I cannot trust you, then I do not have faith to buy you this sweater and I hold back on serving you in a way that could bring us closer together. This is of course a very simple example, but one that repeats itself over and over in many ways. 

I know what you said about yourself, but can I trust it to be true, and then have the faith to act on what I know.  It defines all of our relationships, even our relationship with God. Living life is a constant flow of knowledge, truth, and faith working together to influence what you do.

I have been posting some blogs aimed at gaining an understanding of worldview. At the heart of living your life well is your worldview of truth, knowledge and faith. Have you ever wondered why advances in science and technology have not had any impact on corruption, broken marriages, war, crime, the mysteries of death, and many other ills in our world that make life miserable for so many? Access to knowledge is at the highest level in the history of the world and growing rapidly every day. Knowledge has provided communities with benefits of economic growth and higher standards of living, but there is still so much fear and anxiety, guilt and shame, depression, and sadness. 

What is it about knowledge, truth, and faith that can help you understand this better? Many worldview courses explore topics that form the pillars of your life, like work, economics, family, government, and religion. Yet, living an abundant and virtuous life involves more than just getting more information on these subjects. 

You need a framework of knowledge, truth and faith to transform your worldviews. 

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