Friday, December 6, 2013

Just like Columbus

There was a time when everyone believed the earth was flat. This knowledge was the prescription for how things worked without people ever realizing it. The cultural imperative that the earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it influenced minds that could not imagine it any other way. The desire to be legitimate restricted the discovery of new possibilities. Eventually the discovery that exposed the futility of this stinkin’ thinkin’ transformed the ages and removed constraints on the provisions and privileges that became available to society from the New World. 

In many ways people today are also stuck in a stinkin' thinkin'  that constrains their well-being. While I am sure there are still discoveries in science that can make a big difference in our lives, I am referring to our nature. There are imperatives of your human nature controlling your mind in ways you cannot even imagine.

Would you have ever thought that your obsession with fairness, your discomfort with receiving from others, and your tendency to do what’s necessary to be accepted by others is the spiritual equivalent of believing the earth is flat?

You need a journey of discovery. Just like Columbus unlocked endless possibilities for his world because he believed beyond what was visible, you can unlock a whole new world in your life with endless possibilities when you explore the vast frontier of your Faith. 

An example of how Grace transforms our stinkin' thinkin'

The Gospel of Grace produces a heart that is broken and weeps over what sin has done to someone we love rather than a wounded heart that judges the hurt our loved one has done to us.

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