Sunday, August 18, 2013

If I were only just a little ....

How often have we heard someone say, "I wish I were a little bigger, or a little smaller, especially here or there"? Or "I wish I were a little more like this or less like that"? Heck, maybe we say something like this ourself oh so often!!

Being obsessed with one's perceived physical appearance or personality flaws is quite common, especially in Western cultures. Why is this so common? Is there something wrong with the culture? Or is there something in each of us that sources this obsession? Maybe its the combination of the two?

We know that culture is a sociological phenomenon that influences what people value and what is normal. When society values certain forms of appearance and certain kinds of behavior over others (and I believe all do), then peeps are prone to attach what makes them acceptable and important to these social norms and values. Couple this with the carnal mind's notion that I get what makes me happy by exchanging what I have with what the world wants to get what it has for me in return. Obsession is born.

Now many if not all of you reading this know that our self worth is not in what we do or how we look. The Kingdom mind learns that value and identity is granted to us by God's grace (the atonement of the Cross).

Kingdom minded peeps want to be healthy and behave in respectable ways because excellence is God's way and these add quality to the testimony of our life.Yet we still obsess. We forever fall prey to the forces of culture.

The fact is we KNOW this, the question is why don't we act on what we know.

The answer may be in that knowledge does not equal belief and without belief there is no action.

What keeps us from believing what we know??  

Now that is worth pondering ........

1 comment:

  1. I feel that we keep from believing what we know, when we lack the discipline to learn what the Bible has to teach us, and live accordingly. I say this, fully knowing that I have further to go to keep myself on that track. Hebrews 11.
