Tuesday, October 9, 2012

testosterone and faith: the story of Barak

Now some of you are probably saying now that this old man has finally gone crazy!! Why is he blogging about Obama and what has testosterone got to do with faith? These are certainly good questions and illustrates how our minds are biased to preconceived notions about what someone might say.

First, Barak is a character in the story of Deborah (Judges 4 and 5). He is also mentioned in the Faith Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11). So his story must be a lesson on faith. Lets' see.

Deborah, a Judge in the story of the Israelites, called upon Barak to deliver their peeps from the hand of oppression. What was Barak's response to Deborah. "If you will go with me I will go, if you will not go with me, I will not go." Barak, man up!! Where the testosterone we would expect to see from a man of faith? He needs help, security, more power? He doesn't have the faith it takes to move out on his calling? How come he is recognized by God for his faith??

Well, the answer to these questions are not explicitly provided in this story. But if I read between the lines and apply what I have learned over 60 plus years, I have a perspective. What I have found in my own faith walk is that when God calls me to move out and trust Him, its not about me getting enough testosterone to be brave, fearless, potent, capable, efficacious, etc.

Its knowing that God thru His son Jesus is doing His thing and inviting me to go along with Him. Its not what I have or can do that matters. Its not up to me and my courage to act. I must respond to God's call to move out with the same response as Barak, "God you must go with me!" Further, Deborah adds that if she goes with him, he will not receive the glory for the victory. Another great lesson in faith. Because our faith did not produce some super human capacity in us, but a full dependence on Him, who BTW gets all the Glory!!

maybe a little different perspective on faith that can cause you to ponder!!

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