Saturday, July 14, 2012

making sense of "our house"

In the past few months we have had a barrage of problems with our house that needed fixing. The microwave and dishwasher died. The pipe under the sink in utility room leaked requiring $1300 to just dry out the hardwood floors. Then there are planned expenses due like major landscaping project and regular maintenance like restaining the deck and power washing a variety of surfaces. The compressor on one heating/cooling unit failed right as warranty expired. Its easy to begin to think of "our house" as an albatross when it consumes so much unplanned expenses.

Then their are those who think of their house as fulfilling their "dream." "Our house" can become an idol. For many the house represents identity or value (much as a job may). Peeps gain status or recognition and can be admired for the size, beauty, or features of their house.

After many, many years of living in this world, I have come to see a house as a facility, it facilitates. Based on Motivation Theory, peeps allocate their resources towards what they value.  So what a house facilitates for a certain peep depends on what the peep see as important. If one values family, a house facilitates a home, a safe place to be together. If one values hospitality, the house provides the opportunity to bless guests. If one values the opinion of others, their house represents the opportunity to gain image by impression management. If one values their personal economics, the house may be a part of their investment portfolio. And so on ....

So, making sense of "our house" starts with the notion of what value the facility provides. What your house facilitates for you is probably worth a little pondering .... Just saying :-)

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