Sunday, August 14, 2011

So, what does God have in store for you?

"for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future"  Jeremiah 29: 11

About 20 years ago I had an employee who was not a Christian. However, she set outside my office and often overheard my discussions with others about God and my faith. Slowly she would come in and ask me questions. Over time, God brought her unto Himself, then her husband, her children, sister, brother, and their families trusted Jesus for their lives. Recently her elderly dad moved to her city to live his last years. She had been sharing Jesus with him for several years and soon (with him around more often) they were singing God's praises together on a regular basis.

Tonight we celebrated her dad's life as he died last week. People from all around gathered to praise God for his life. Dozens of friends and family were there to honor his passing to glory, many could be linked to my former employee's persistent witness of God's transforming power in her life. As we sang Amazing Grace I was overwhelmed with tears of joy. I couldn't stop the tears. Why???

God brought to my mind the hours in my office that she I and spent discussing God just in the normal course of the work day. It was from those simple moments 20 years ago between two people that this entire family and many friends were eternally blessed. She and I certainly did not know the future nor God's plan for it. We just prayed for each family member over time -
God did His thing!!!!!!!

This is what God means when He says He will prosper us - He will be faithful to work the transforming miracles in lives of those we love and present to Him in faith.

I was blessed looking back at the legacy of those simple conversations between two people - a room full of people sharing their love and admiration for a man who was ushered into eternity by God and the faithfulness of his daughter - that my friends is what God has in store for us!!!

1 comment:

  1. P.S. lessons here:
    It's not our work that has eternal consequences, its what we do with the relationships that our work affords us. While our job affords us a context, our calling is to the people we are with at our job :-)
