Friday, March 25, 2011

one of life's dilemma

how does one love another person without them feeling like you want to possess them, fix them, or save them?  Unless us humans are channeling God's agape love to others, our human needs seem to interfere - and even then, the other person's human insecurities and fears interfere with how they perceive our love. Hmmmmmmm???  I think God has to be working in both the giving and the receiving or love gets sooooo messy :-)


  1. How true! In fact, I just read a blog where they were thinking about this dilemma. Let me see if I can post the link:

    What do you think about it?

  2. there's some overlap. I have just found that giving agape love, whiile Godly, requires one to recieve agape love, which i think is more difficult for people. While this blog is right to point out that only God can meet our deepest cravings, I am intrigued by the notion that receiving grace requires us to accept love without any obligation to give back to justify the love we recieve. I M more convince that this is the basis of legalism. I ahve an earlier blog sort of dealing wiht this too but this bblog was just a brief reflection
    Thanks for noticing :-)
