Sunday, July 28, 2024

My pet peeve


This blog is about a pet peeve of mind, that has been with me for years and shows up almost every day, everywhere. A pet peeve is defined as something that a particular person finds annoying.

One of mine is how people in power unfairly consider an opposing argument to get their way. 

In this blog I share a few examples for you to ponder a pet peeve that really annoys me. It might annoy you, too.

One time I was in an executive team meeting. We were discussing a business issue. The President of our company made his point. One of the team members challenged that point with a counter point. There was some data involved as evidence on both sides, but each argument was mainly supported by gut feel or opinion. After the discussion lasted a while with no resolution, it took mainly the form of an argument. Guess who won? The President, the one with the power. He concluded with, "where's your data?" While gut feel was enough support for ideas of the one in power, it was not enough for the opposing view. This is a case where power produced an unlevel playing field. What was good for the one with power was not good for the one without. In my view, this is a form of bullying that occurs all the time.

Take the political arena. Who wields the most power? I would say it's the media, both mainstream for older adults and social for younger ones. There's an argument that can be made that one side of the political debate is way more powerful than the other. Maybe that in itself is a pet peeve of mine.

In any case, how does this idea of bullying by tilting the playing field occur? Well, here's one instant that blows my mind. One side makes an off the cuff comment that is objectionable to many. If the person who says this is supported by the powerbase, then the comment is acknowledge by the media as just something made in jest, a joke, a comedic slur. If the comment is made by one NOT in power, then the comment is considered dogma, potential policy, a deeply held belief, so the power base can gain public sentiment their way. 

The media produces an unlevel playing field. They use an unfair technique to bully those that they disagree. I see it in our public arena just like it occurs in every organization.

I just think it would be wise for you to be annoyed by bullying this way and make it one of your pet peeves, too.