"cinch your stomach," "pretend someone is punching you in the gut," "make your tailbone heavy," "look out, not down," "make your feet parallel, in line with your knees," "shoulders down," "chest flat."
These (and many more) are constant reminders from my pilates instructor to make my body do what it normally will not do on its own. My mind naturally sends the wrong signals to my body. By wrong, I mean, not as it was designed. I naturally slump, look down when I walk (ever seen four old men walk off of a golf green together?), stand incorrectly, use muscles from my extremities, not my core. By not pushing into my core, I do not gain the benefits of my strength. By proper alignment, rotation, flexibility, and appropriates sources of my strength, everything works better (including my golf swing).
Such is pilates.
Oddly, likewise are the challenges of my spiritual walk.
My nature is to "walk according to the flesh." Paul tells me that in Romans 7 and 8, but I know it from years of experience. I operate in social exchange. I seek what is fair. I need to be in control to make life work as I want. I am anxious and fearful it will not. I seek to confirm my built in biases and judge harshly that which does not. I want things as I want them and blame something or someone else "out there" when they are not. Such is human nature (the flesh). It is fallen, flawed, futile. The flesh is naturally ever present.
Jesus said, "when I leave, a Helper will come." I need that Helper, just like I need Becky, my pilates instructor, constantly reminding me of how my nature is making my body more and more futile. Becky provides an influence to trust my core, not my nature. When I'm on my own, her instruction rings in my mind as a reminder of how my body was designed to work properly.
The Helper is the Holy Spirit. "Walking according to the Spirit" is a constant reminder from God I have a core strength I can rely on. At times I don't sense the Holy Spirit is actively instructing me. Its then I can trust the privileges and provisions of the Heavenlies which have been freely and willfully bestowed on me by the King.
My new perspective (the Bible calls "epignosis") is how I order my life. If pilates is conforming the body to follow the instructions of the mind, a knowledge of how the body works best. "Walking according to the Spirit" is a life lived by the constant presence of the Holy Spirit conforming my mind to my new life in the Kingdom. Again Paul says, "do not be conformed to your natural tendencies, but be transformed by a brand new mind," a mind under the influence of the Spirit.
My body is better off in this world with pilates. My soul is forever better off with the Spirit.
Ponder that ....