Sunday, December 8, 2019

"we hold these truths to be self-evident"

If truths are "self-evident", why is there so much confusion in our society over rights, justice and happiness over 200 years after the Declaration of Independence was written? If truths are "self-evident", how can truth be absolute given every self operates with a different perspective or set of biases, so to speak? How can any truth be self evident to many people who trust something different? What does "self-evident" mean, and why do we base anything of importance on the notion it is "self-evident"?

The founders of our country created a very successful form of governance as a rejection of the power held by monarchies in Europe. The source of ideas for our country comes from Greek philosophies of Socrates and Aristotle. Universal laws of democracy and virtue order lives of society. BUT, the problem of knowing truth has never been solved by humans.

It is a mistake to assume that the idea of inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is God's gift (endowment) to the world. This is not what Jesus said. What kind of country would we be if the Declaration of Independence said, "we hold these truths to be Bible precepts"? This takes away the "self evident" idea. Maybe the preamble would read like this:

One thing would be that the focus of folks in the US would not be on our rights in this world. We would not look to our circumstances for our well being. Justice would not be the preeminent concern. We would not be transactional with each other thinking our "fair share" matters. A heart of grace would be our barometer and guide, not virtuous behavior.

God desires that we view our selves as aliens and sojourners in this world, here for a moment to reflect the light of Jesus bestowed on us to glorify His Father. Biblical precepts exhort us to a transformed life that walks by faith, unseen evidence God reveals to us, not a life in this world that is influenced by experiences of our physical senses.

The USA is a wonderful country. One that is founded to allow everyone to flourish in a finite world according to their efforts and abilities. This is great for the human condition (for a while), but it is not the eternal realm of the Heavenlies God has made available to us NOW as we find our identity in Jesus.

What does this mean for you?  That's where pondering comes in .....